See It: Movie “White Bird” asks Powerful Questions
See It: Movie “White Bird” asks Powerful Questions
We live in a time of great spiritual hunger. Sometimes we just need to adjust our ears to hear the language people are using to express their hearts cry.
In “White Bird,” a grandmother tells her personal experience of traumatizing exclusion. And yet the movie allows us to ask just two simple questions to know we have done something in our life to fight against such traumatizing hatred.
Whom shall I befriend?
How shall I be kind, especially when it takes courage?
These two questions were powerful for Non-Jews in France when the Nazi’s invaded. The movie story shows how these two questions are powerful for a child starting any school, any grade, in any country, even today.
The movie does what Bridge Leaders do. Take an every day situation in someone’s life and share a story (from the history in the Bible) that helps us see our choices more clearly today. I believe that God is using this movie to speak in our culture today.
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