Lesson 3 of 11
In Progress

Paying for Your Bridging Experience

Toon Prasertsit January 1, 2022

Bridges agrees to make a combination of proprietary A.C.T.S. Program services available to you at a standard cost, included but not limited to:

  1. Assessments – measures of skills, activities, and results
  2. Access – access to the Bridges On-line Content Resource Library
  3. Coaching – non-directive discussions that help you find the answers to your questions
  4. Mentoring – directive instruction in skills that lead to your competence in that skill, such as Fund Development, Marketing, Video Streaming, and Book Publishing.
  5. Training—Especially training in the 12 step path and the 100+ Skills of the Bridging Lifestyle
  6. Support—Small Groups designed for motivational and implementation support

You, the Primary Customer, agree to pay a minimum “out of pocket” of $25 monthly towards  the cost of The Acts Services provided in each year of service provision. 

The actual costs of ACTS Services to Bridges vary from $4000 to $6000 per year ($500 per month).

You, the customer, during the first year of service provision, are responsible to find a funding sponsor or be prepared to pay additionally out of pocket for a total of 50% of costs during the second year, on average $2500. 

You, the customer, during the second year of service provision, are responsible to find funding sponsors or be prepared to pay additionally out of pocket to cover a total of 100% of the costs of services provided during the third year, on average $5000.

            Year 1:  $25 per month.

            Year 2:   $2500, or 50% of costs of services provided (plus $25 monthly)

            Year 3:   $5000, or 100% of costs of services provided (plus $25 monthly)

After three years of participation in BridgesUS’ ACTS Services, you may be approved for graduation by the Graduation Committee, composed of The Executive Director, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and the Program Director, if you meet certain criteria.  You may also continue to participate in the program for as many years as you choose.

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