Lesson 1 of 11
In Progress

Introduction to Utilizing Bridges Services

Toon Prasertsit January 1, 2022

Bridges exist to support people who want to help others, especially people not a part of church culture.   If you would like Bridges to provide supportive services for your leadership and vision, you are in the right place. 

As a Christian organization, Bridges wants to help leaders learn how to join groups, befriend people, and help them to follow Jesus and form Christ-following groups.  Through the impact of Bridge Leaders and their groups, Bridges dreams of a transformed America.

To accomplish this mission and vision across America in the age of the Internet, Bridges provides services to people who are growing into the types of leaders that can accomplish this vision through new models of church community which avoid the costly expenses of full-time salaries and church buildings.

By clicking on different classes, you can enlist in a number of different services from Bridges. 

  1. A Support Pod:  meet with others monthly
  2. A Coach: get 1 on 1 help thinking through your challenges and opportunities
  3. An Assessment: See where you are currently in the behaviors that lead to making disciples and forming groups of people who follow Jesus.  Most leaders do this once per year to see their progress.
  4. Training
    • in skills like branding, fund development, marketing, establishing a nonprofit, and more
    • in the 12 steps of the Bridging Path
    • in the over 101 skills involved in the Bridging Path
  5.  NonProfit Status
    • Nonprofit Status under Bridges for your Organization.
    • Enables people to get a tax deduction for their donation to your cause
    • Enables you to get paid when doing the work of the project
  6. Accounting Services
    • Nonprofit Project Account to raise funds for your nonprofit cause
    • Manage your incoming donations
    • Provide reports regularly
    • Handle your check requests/electronic payments / Wire Transfers


Bridges is a cloud-based business. Our Tools, applications, and websites are run on the cloud. Information and communications are handled online.

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