Why talk to God?

  • Why talk to God?

    Posted by James Milley, Chief Catalyst on October 24, 2024 at 6:39 pm

    When we are with people who are just beginning to connect with God, they may not think it possible, advisable, nor useful to talk to God.

    Our role is to create safe space where conversation can begin. We cannot force the conversation.

    I want to ask what actually motivates people to start chatting with God.

    One general answer: It is sometimes a crisis that creates an urgency and willingness to begin talking to God.

    Simple prayers include “Help!” “Are you there?” “Please heal….” “It’s been a long time.” “I’m sorry.” “I know.”

    What are the specific reasons that you have seen someone begin to talk to God, despite any reasons they had for not doing so?

    Why do people begin to talk to God? What have you seen?

    James Milley, Chief Catalyst replied 3 months, 4 weeks ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Mary Gonzalez

    October 24, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    I keep a constant conversation with God because it is what keeps me going everyday. I have learned not to wait in for a crisis. Why wait till a crisis. God is our best friend. We need to come to him in the good and in the bad. Keeping a constant relationship is what keeps me a float no matter what life throws at me. If there is one thing that is guaranteed in life it is that their will be constant change in life. God keeps me grounded.

    • James Milley

      October 25, 2024 at 11:58 am

      So it sounds like what motivates you to talk to God is that you have learned from experience how vital it is to your everyday life. What comes to my mind when I read what you wrote is the Biblical phrase “walk in the Spirit.”

      • Mary Gonzalez

        October 28, 2024 at 7:34 am

        Yes! Exactly. It is vital to walk in spirit everyday.

  • Tara Martinez Fernandez

    October 28, 2024 at 10:29 am

    I have had more of a habit in the past few years of thanking God. “Thank you God for my kids”, “Thank you God for this moment”, etc.

    I also talk to God on a much more personal level when I am feeling anxious or scared. “God, please help me with the future. I know it is in your hands, so I must give the future to you. Help me with the discomfort I feel in this moment. God, remove my doubt.”

    • James Milley, Chief Catalyst

      November 12, 2024 at 3:38 pm

      Tara, I appreciate how natural the prayers are that you demonstrate for us. These are prayers of a Mother and prayers that arise naturally in conversation with God about your everyday life. I imagine that God enjoys listening.

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